1. Wash out a cranked shaft solvent and dry the compressed air, clean oil channels, clear necks. |
2. Remove with a file agnails. |
3. Check a condition of necks of a shaft, existence of cracks, hollows, задиров. Check a roughness of necks, having rubbed about them a copper coin. If there are traces, necks follows перешлифовать. |
4. Measure diameter of necks in several places on a circle and on length and define a konusnost and ovality. |
5. At appreciable damages or if the konusnost and ovality exceed norm, the crankshaft follows перешлифовать and to replace loose leaves repair. |
6. If on crankshaft necks under epiploons the deep flute from a working edge of an epiploon was formed, there are scratches or other damages, the crankshaft is recommended to replace, or проконсультроваться in car-care center where a neck it is possible to chisel and напрессовать the plug. If development from an epiploon deep, even after installation of a new epiploon appears an oil leak. |
7. Check a condition of radical and shatunny loose leaves (see subsection 3.2.23). |